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Our Success

Since its founding in 2021, Dear Camelia has reached over 700000 people through various online platforms. Half a million people worldwide belong to this organization.

People can reach out to our experts for emotional support. These include existential issues to minor emotional struggles which we all experience from time to time. With strict confidentiality, we have delivered counseling about a hundred thousand clients via, voice calls, comments and chats, and via email. 

Our Success

We have received over 2000 positive reviews via Facebook, email, and text message. No negative reviews have been received so far.  

Our Success

Our team consists of 36 mental health professionals and 54 trained volunteers. They are all amazing!

Our Success

Creating the safest platform for people who are broken is our goal. Until 2023, we provided mental health care to over 3 thousand LGBTQIA+ people in all over the world.

“Dear Camelia” is A organization helping Bengali and English-speaking people around the world with free mental health care. Over half a million people worldwide belong to this organization. We offer emotional support and assistance with our trained Volunteers. They are trained for confidential, and open-minded listening, and receive people’s messages, posts, and emails for immediate, emergency emotional support free of charge.
Here anyone can find comfort by sharing their unspoken words. Our goal is to help people to overcome their depression, loneliness, emotional distress, and suicidal tendencies. We also know that the people around us can be experiencing some of their own emotional challenges, so we are also here for them to help them overcome their emotional weaknesses.
All the doctors and psychologists from the Group give general advice to everyone after listening to them by heart and also by maintaining privacy strictly.
Professional assistance, medication, or treatment are usually not included in these services. We aim to support people during life’s hardships.
Our Professionals

Mental health Professionals (19)

Volunteer (44)

Members in group (65000)

Year (3)


“Priyo Camelia” is A organization helping Bengali and English-speaking people around the world with free mental health care, where anyone can share their emotional distresses with our volunteers via Email/Messenger.

Our goal is to help people to overcome their depression, loneliness, emotional distress & suicidal tendencies and also by supporting them with their mental strength to overcome their hard times. We give them the emotional support by becoming their Friend in their time of distress.

You can talk with us in three ways. Firstly, you can ask for help by posting directly on our facebook group. Secondly, you can write about your problems elaborately, by directly emailing the moderators in the group. They will reply you back within 7-10 days. Thirdly, you can post “need to discuss something right now “in the group for immediate help.

The Email ID’s of the volunteers and the moderators are on the volunteer page of the site or in the pin post of the Facebook Group.

Yes, of course. The volunteers and moderators of the group, listens to everyone by maintaining the secrecy, with compassion, a kind heart and with a completely open mind. No one will judge you regardless of your beliefs, norms, gender, religion, caste or nationality. 

Please do take a look in the group,as all the details are written beautifully over there.

You can help Priyo Camelia financially or even through volunteering. 

If you’re interested in helping Priyo Camelia financially, please email us at dearforing@gmail.com Apart from this, we don’t accept financial assistance in any other way.

Our Friends

Dear Camelia

…senses you.

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Website Created by Raisul ISLAM